How to Grow Beets in Pots


Can You Grow Beets in Containers?

Absolutely, growing beets in containers is possible. Almost anything that can be grown in the garden plot can be grown in a container given the proper nutrients and growing conditions.

Choosing a pot

Make sure that your container is about 8 to 12 inches in depth. Having a deep container is essential as the beetroot will need this space to expand and grow. Also an added bonus is, that large, deep containers do not dry out as fast as smaller ones, which keeps the soil moist for a longer length of time resulting in less frequent waterings.



Beets are very picky when it comes to soil requirements. They are often prone to boron deficiencies and it is important that there is not too much nitrogen in the soil as this can encourage top growth (greens), but hardly any root growth. Choose a potting soil that is organic and without any added fertilizers. Mix 1 part potting soil, with 1 part manure or compost and 1 part perlite to have an excellent soil for your beets.


Beet seeds need full sun and cool temperatures to thrive. Beets are a cool season crop and planted in spring and fall. Full sun is considered to be 6 hours plus of UV light. This means even if it is cloudy, on a clear day that area of your garden would be in full sun for 6 or more hours.


If you don’t want hard and sinewy beetroots, water regularly and evenly. To keep the soil slightly moist all the time. Ensure you not let the soil dry out completely between the growing process and also avoid OVERWATERING.


Going with an organic fertilizer when growing food crops is most important. There are several different ones to pick from, however, it is important that the nitrogen level is low (N-P-K), which is the first number on the fertilizer bag and that the fertilizer is high in phosphorus, which is the second number in the sequence. Phosphorus is responsible for root growth in the plant’s nutrient needs. Bone meal and manure are great sources of phosphorus. Seaweed is a great source of boron, which many beet varieties become deficient in. Using compost tea with added drops of seaweed fertilizer is a great way to amend the soil on a weekly to bi-weekly basis.

Pests and Diseases

When growing beets in pots, you don’t have to worry about pests and diseases much. You can avoid most of the problems by not overwatering and avoiding overhead watering. The common culprits are root rot and scab. Leaf miners and common pests like aphids can affect the foliage growth.


Most beets should be ready to harvest after 45 to 60 days. To make use of the entire plant, beet greens can be harvested at any time. If tops are picked, the root will continue to keep growing. Beet greens actually have more nutrition value than the roots. Do not let greens exceed 6 inches prior to harvesting. Beetroots should be pulled when the bulbs are 2 inches in size or larger